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Two New Underdogs, Yoda and Snugglepot

VERY AMAZING NEWS FOR SNUGGLEPOT!!! Laura, who you can see in the picture with Tammy, had sponsored Yoda and Snugglepot. When she found out that Yoda had left to Underdogs in Colorado, she decided to pay all of Snugglepots travel costs to go there as well, so he can have the same amazing chance!! This is such a huge gesture and we couldn’t be more thankful for what you are doing for this beautiful boy Laura!

If some of you want to contribute to send dogs to partner rescues overseas as well, you can donate to Carrie’s fundraiser

http://<div id=”givinggrid-widget” data-gid=”381997″ data-wol=”0″></div><script src=”//” type=”text/javascript”></script>

This fund enables us to be able to keep sending dogs overseas and covers their travel costs!

A big YAY for Snugglepot!!!


Post Series: Snugglepot
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