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Thank You To Our Volunteers

Mixed emotions as we write this post: sadness, gratitude, inspiration, hapiness and much more. We want to start saying good bye to an amazing couple who have been with us more than a month. LISA & JOHN there is no enough words to describe how grateful we are. You have left a big print here with your hard work, dedication, initiative, leadership, and of course with the blog you create, we are hoping it can carry on as it has been a daily read for all volunteers. We really hope to see you soon again.

Mike and Shannon we are all inspired by you, going around on bikes is extraordinary challenge. Was so fun to met you, thanks so much for all your help this week, we will miss your entushiasm and hard work.

Rosie, you were with us 2 weeks but it feels like years, thanks so much for your non- stop work and for the love you give to all the dogs in the gallery and in the garden party OR9.

Helena it was great to have you here, thanks for your dedication and the love you give to the kittens and sick cats and of course for always giving us a hand in other areas.

Liz and Tsoiman thanks a lot for your work at the main area, lola and joli will miss you respectivly.

Emma, Bolero and Jive will miss you. We promise you we will keep in the process of socialize them. Thanks for your kindness and dedication.

Becca we are very happy you will stay with us for a month taking care of the little ones and the doggies in the gallery.

A big thanks to our long term volunteers Jess and Lucie for your never ending work with the puppies and Jack for make sure dogs get their eye medication and cheack ups.

We wish to all of you safe travells and the best in your next destination. Here you will always have a second home!

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