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Happy New Year, Welcome 2017

WHAT A YEAR 2016 HAS BEEN HERE AT ELEPHANT NATURE PARK DOGS! Looking back and reflecting on a past year is always inspiring for the next. We want to also share with you some numbers:

– In 2016 a total of 116 dogs and 3 cats left the park to start new lives with their own families. 10 of the dogs stayed with families in Thailand, the rest all went to different countries overseas, mainly the U.S., Canada and the U.K.. But we also sent dogs to new destinations like Sweden, Finland, Germany, Korea and Taiwan! Also we started working with amazing rescue organizations in the U.S., and a total of 51 dogs got re-homed this year thanks to them! 

– After that you might think we hardly have any dogs left, but thanks to our adoption program we were able to rescue about 250 more this year!

– And unfortunately in rescue work there’s always deaths as well. With a sad heart we said good-bye to 31 of our ENP family members when they crossed the rainbow bridge. Our 3 main causes of death being age, pneumonia and kidney failure. We miss each one of them and they will always have a place in our hearts.

– Those numbers leave us with the highest number of dogs we’ve ever had. We’re at roughly 550 dogs now, that we call our family.

WHAT WE WISH FOR NEXT YEAR: Not sure if we can top the adoption number even more than that, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t going to try!! Maybe 150 would be great? And of course we want to keep helping more dogs in need wherever possible and do the very best for the ones that we already call our family!

AND THIS IS ALL ONLY POSSIBLE THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WHO CONTRIBUTE TO OUR WORK AND KEEP US GOING! Once more thanks to everyone for your loyalty and support! May you all have an amazing year 2017 and may we all achieve great things together!!

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