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I met Freedom on January 31, 2016 on my first day of two weeks with the Dog Rescue Project at Elephant Nature Park. From the moment I saw him, his golden-brown eyes and good-natured personality melted my heart. Over the course of the two weeks, I fell in love. I was determined to bring him home and give him the life he deserves. On March 21, 2016, Freedom arrived in Toronto, Canada. From Thai street dog, to ENP pack member, to domestic house pet. What a journey! Freedom immediately moulded into our family like a well-worn glove. He adjusted incredibly quickly—even with all snow and ice storms. He loves his walks, is fascinated by squirrels, rabbits and chipmunks, loves the smell of pine trees, and spends a few hours every afternoon basking in the sun by the back door (except when the cat steals his beloved spot). He seems truly happy being a member of our pack, and I will continue to give him the best possible life. To give Freedom his freedom. We have so much love to give him, and returns the favour every single day.


Crissy Bergman

Post Series: Freedom
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