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Mon Men


After nearly four years at ENP and an epic journey at the end of November Mon Men (now Noodle) finally made it home to us (thanks for bringing her Sylvie)… and three weeks on she is getting to grips with la vie en France! After a couple of disoriented days checking out her new housemates – us two and Molly our other dog, and the relative quiet of a country life,  we think she’s settling in really well. She loves a morning cuddle on the bed, her trips to the local village and coffee at the tabac followed by a snooze by the fire and the local wildlife is keeping her entertained – plenty of digging for moles. A bit of work to do on her manners, but she’s getting there. We’re so very thankful that she’s with us and can’t encourage anyone enough to consider re-homing an ENP dog.

Post Series: Mon Men
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