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hello everyone.

I used to live at ENP until a volunteer fell in love with me, she rehomed and renamed me, my new name is Magi An Chi, I think its a strange name but mum says its an anagram of chiang mai, I don’t know what an anagram is!

in October I left my friends and the elephants of ENP behind and I moved to Manchester in the UK, I had to be a brave girl and travel on planes and boats, it was a big adventure and I was really well behaved.

its so cold here! I’ve been here 7 weeks and I’ve learnt how to shiver! my new mum made me a coat but I lost it when I went into some bushes, I got stuck on some thorns and ripped it off, so now I’m just freezing.

I live with two other big dogs, I’m a bit scared so I growl at them but they don’t growl back, they just give me a funny look and ignore me, I think I will soon learn to trust them though, then I’ll stop growling

we go on long walks and I love meeting other dogs and new people. I love it so much that when I’m allowed to be off lead I don’t come back, I just go trotting off to sniff bushes and explore in the forest, apparently so I’m not allowed off lead for a while now, I have to work on recall, I don’t know what that is either. I still love the walks and I’m really tired when we get home.

I think I’m going to like my new home, even though its never warm outside!

I hope some of my old friends at ENP find new mums and dads and get to travel on planes to live in new homes like me,

lots of people tell me I’m very lucky 🙂


Magi xx

Post Series: Cocoa
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