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Thank you everyone!


As always a big thank you to our volunteers!! It was a week with ups and downs; a great introduction of Bao Bao, but also losing Woofoo. And not to forget 8 new puppies and a lot of work putting straw in all our runs to keep our dogs warm. Aislinn it was great having you back, and we can’t wait to send Hobbles your way! Imogen the same to you, it was great to have you back for 3 weeks. Ashley and Franceska thank you for 2 weeks with us and Meghan for this one; we hope you’ll all be back eventually!! Fiona, Sanne and Meghan we are glad to have you here another week! And of course a huge thank you to our long term volunteers Lauren, Katie and Kerri, you make the daily routine so much easier!

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